How India and its PPE Market has Evolved After the COVID

How India and its PPE Market has Evolved After the COVID


The COVID pandemic dramatically impacted many of us collectively. The impact on the industrial segment and companies has been far-reaching and is still felt after 2 years of normalcy. For the PPE manufacturing industry, it has been a roller coaster since the start of COVID. With the initial sudden surge in demand for protective gear such as disposable masks, gloves, coverall and face shields for consecutive 2 years & then experiencing a complete drop  has been nothing but tumultuous. As the world transitions into a post-pandemic era, various factors influence it such as new protective gear standards, technological advancements, India being looked as a replacement to China, and shifting consumer behaviours.

Pre-Pandemic Market Dynamics

Before the onset of the pandemic, the PPE market was primarily driven by hazardous industries requiring its workers to use PPE like construction, heavy machinery, chemical manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, cement manufacturing etc. As a PPE manufacturer there were some challenges. The challenges stemmed from a lack of advancement in protective product standards in India, being developing country workplace safety standards were evolving slowly. Most industries had to be made aware of hazards and how basic PPE’s could benefit them. Most PPE standards were also out-dated as these were not updated and new standards were also slow to come by. Also, as most PPE manufacturers were MSME companies the manufacturing sectors especially the PPE sectors were not high priority sectors for government benefits and subsidies.

Surge in Demand During the Pandemic

The onset of COVID caused an unprecedented spike in the demand for PPE products such as disposable masks, face shield, coveralls etc. Much of the demand was from healthcare professionals who needed these products in huge quantities to protect themselves from the virus. The common man was in fear and sought for masks and other protective gear, leading to chaos and a scramble for supplies globally. Fortunately, India was having a robust manufacturing and supply chain network to cater this demand. We were one of the very few countries that were self-sufficient for PPE against COVID. But there were some challenges that were evident during the pandemic. The pandemic also highlighted lack of testing facilities for the products in India, most products failed to meet global product standards, hence these products post export were found to be of very poor quality. The pandemic also severely impacted many Industrial companies who were using PPE before the pandemic. As supply chains issues crept up the cost of the product increased and there was severe shortage of supply against demand.

Post-Pandemic Market Trends

As the immediate crisis has waned, and supply chain has stabilized, we can now look at several factors that will impact the industry going forward.

  1. Increased Awareness and Adoption:
  1. Public awareness about the importance of PPE has increased significantly. Where earlier the user had to be made aware of the importance of protective mask and other protective gear, these are now commonplace. Labour laws in the country have also been upgraded and use of PPE in hazardous environment has been made mandatory,
  2. Regulatory and Statutory Changes:
    • Governments and health organizations have realized the need for an updated protective product standards ensuring better quality and reliability of PPE products. This has led to an increase in updating of existing product standards as per new trends and requirements. Many new product standards have also been created, the release of the new IS 18266 for medical masks & IS 19022 for Barrier Face cover being an example as we now have a medical mask standard in the country specifically meant for medical professionals& Barrier face cover standard for consumers The ISI mark has also been made mandatory for many products through Government QCO’s (Quality Control Order) for all products manufactured in India and being imported from other countries.
  3. Government Support for MSME:
    • Earlier where the PPE industry was fairly neglected now it has seen many changes being made from the Government. As we have a robust network of manufacturers for Technical Textile product the government has identified this key strength. Initiates like the NTTM (National Technical Textile Mission) which aims to boost research and development in the country for such products have established centres for innovation around the country. The Government also promotes these products for export at the international level raising awareness about make-in-India products. PLI schemes for manufacturers and the creation of new HSN codes for export are also initiatives that have boosted manufacturing interest for PPE products.
  4. Diversification of Supply Chains:
    • The supply chain disruptions experienced during the pandemic have led companies to diversify their sources. Escalating geopolitical issues have also given India an opportunity to be looked at as an alternative to China and its manufacturing expertise. Many western companies want to procure products from India and our PPE industry is constantly upgrading its capabilities to meet global quality standards & demand.


The COVID pandemic has permanently altered the PPE landscape, driving increased demand, technological advancements, and a heightened focus on quality and sustainability. Manufacturers of PPE products in India are leading the charge, adapting to these changes, and providing reliable, high-quality PPE solutions to meet the needs of today’s world. As we move forward the future looks ever so uncertain but full of exciting possibilities.

Venus Safety & Health Pvt Ltd.: A Leader in PPE manufacturing

Venus Safety & Health Pvt Ltd. has been at the forefront of the PPE industry, providing a wide range of products designed to protect individuals in various sectors. With a commitment to quality and innovation, Venus has adapted to the evolving market demands post-pandemic.

Our Product Range includes:

  • Disposable Masks: High-quality masks conforming to ISI, CE and NIOSH that provide effective filtration and comfort.
  • Reusable Respirators: Durable and efficient reusable respirators designed for long-term use and protection against harmful gases and vapour
  • Safety Helmets: Advanced safety helmets offer superior protection and comfort for workers in hazardous environments.
  • Eye Protection: Cutting-edge eye protection solutions with features like anti-fog and anti-scratch.
  • Ear Protection: Disposable earplugs and earmuffs are designed to safeguard against excessive noise in industrial settings.

Venus’s dedication to safety and health is reflected in their rigorous quality control measures and continuous innovation. Our products are trusted by professionals across industries, ensuring safety and compliance with the latest standards.

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